f/64 Challenge
The f/64 Challenge is a chance for you to showcase your photographic interest and work. The interpretation of Challenge themes are left up to the individual photographer.
History of the f/64 movement
(a New York Times article)
f/64 Challenge Rules (Rev. 2/2023)
All images or parts of a composite image must be your own work.
Voting is open to all active CVPC members unless otherwise noted. You may vote even if you have not entered an image.
The image submitted must be taken within one (1) calendar year from the starting date of that Challenge unless otherwise noted and may only be submitted only once during the current Challenge Year.
There is a limit to only one image entered each month.
In order to maintain anonymity, an f/64 Challenge submitter must not post the picture on social media during the prior month or the month of the challenge until voting is complete. Your work should not be known to any other member.
JPEG Images submitted into the Challenge should be sized at 1440 pixels on their longest side at 150 dpi. Ifyou are not certain how to properly size your image, submit a large image file and upon receipt, we will resize it for you. (Instructions to resize/rename your photo)
Rename your image with your first and last name ONLY- no other title. Also tell the coordinator which category you will enter, "Experienced" or "Aspirational". You will stay in that category for the duration of the year so you can accumulate points for awards.
Images submitted will be acknowledged individually upon receipt. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours of submission please contact Sue Mangan (email below) immediately. Also check to see that your image is in the lineup at the beginning of the month when they are posted. Usually they are posted on the first day of the month. Every attempt will be made to include a missing image into the Challenge during the grace period just after the deadline. Voting will end on the 10th day of the month.
Image editing software is permitted in all f-64 Challenges unless otherwise noted.
You may not vote for your own image.
Voting will include four (4) weighted votes for 1 st (4 points), 2 nd (3pts), 3 rd (2 points) and Honorable Mention (1pt). Each vote must be cast for a different picture however, you have the option of NOT casting a vote in any one or more of the four choices.
Each member will receive one participation point for each month they enter an image into the Challenge.
Each member may only vote once during each monthly Challenge. If two or more ballots are cast, only the first one received will be recognized.
In the event of a tie, the image receiving the greater number of 1st place votes will determine the winner. In the event that a tie still remains, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention ranking will be used to determine the winner. This tie breaker rule will also apply if needed to our year long contest.
Winners will be recognized at our General Monthly Meetings. Certificates will be emailed to the winners after the announcement of winners.
Year end recognition will be awarded to the entrants receiving the greatest number of points during the year long Challenge event. Plaques will be awarded to Photographer of the Year (First Place), Second Place, Third Place, and one Honorable Mention. All first place winning images will be voted upon by the Board-of- Directors. The winning image will be recognized as “Picture-of-the-Year, also awarded a plaque.
Additional awards certificates are: Grand Slam Certificate (denoting a win in each category for that Challenge year (1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and HM), Ace Certificate (anyone totaling 5 first place awards over the history of the F64 challenge and multiples of 5, ie. Double Ace (10 1 st place wins), Triple Ace (15 1 st place wins) etc. Silver Ribbons will be awarded to those scoring over 100 points Gold Ribbons will be awarded to those scoring over 200 points.
Silver Ribbons will be awarded to those scoring over 100 points
Gold Ribbons will be awarded to those scoring over 200 points.
Submission of images in the f/64 Challenge may be used for educational purposes as in our “Image Analysis” and workshop discussions that John and Debbi conduct.
Submit Your Entries To: coastalvaphotoclub.f64@gmail.com
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