Coastal Virginia Photography Club
Coastal Virginia Photography Club

Please look here for this year's f/64 Challenge award winners. This is a monthly photo contest held within the Club. Each month has a different topic. Pictures must be taken within one year of that month's contest. This encourages our members to try something new for them and expand their skills and vision. In addition to a monthly winner, scores are tabulated for yearly awards.

Renee Felts was the Aspiring Level winner of our most recent f/64 Challenge:
"Interpret a Country Song"


Ken Knight was the Experienced Level winner of our most recent f/64 Challenge:
"Interpret a Country Song"

We are a Club with a mission to share digital photography information while learning and practicing digital photography skills and techniques to enhance each member’s capabilities.

Our membership is open to all in the greater Hampton Roads area with a wish to learn and share their passion in the art of digital photography.

Want more info? Please attend our next meeting (info here) on the third Wednesday of the month on Zoom. Use our meeting as a "free test drive" to check us out.

Visit our facebook page to get updates on meetings, information, and interact with other photographers in our club.

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