Coastal Virginia Photography Club
Coastal Virginia Photography Club

Coastal Virginia Photography Club By-Laws

These by-laws supersede all prior revisions and are effective July 19, 2017.

Article I - Name

The name of this club is the Coastal Virginia Photography Club, a Virginia organization hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.

Article II - Mission

The mission of the Club is to “Share digital photography information while learning and practicing digital photography skills and techniques in order to enhance each member’s capabilities.”

Article III - General Provisions

Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Club is August 1 through July 31st.

Section 2. Membership Year
The membership year of the Club is August 1 through July 31st.

Section 3. Rules of Order
The Club will use proposal, discussion, and consensus when governing meetings. The Board may make proposals and develop policies prior to submitting the proposals to the Club for discussion. Polling of members’ views may be utilized to help reach a consensus. If there is disagreement about a proposal and resolution cannot be reached through consensus, then the proposal may be tabled for further research and development. When dispute cannot be resolved, the President or Club members may call for the use of the most recent edition of “Roberts Rule of Order” to resolve conflict.

Article IV - Membership

Section 1. The Club does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, color, religion, or national origin.

Section 2. Classification of members
The members of this Club consist of the following classes:

  • (1) Regular Members
  • (2) Honorary Members
  • (3) Lifetime Members

Section 3. Regular Members
A regular Membership may be conferred upon any person who has completed membership application and paid the dues established by the Membership. Regular Members will be entitled to participate in all activities of the Club, including voting and holding office.

Section 4. Honorary Member
Honorary Membership may be conferred upon any person who has been elected to this class of membership by a majority vote of the Board. Honorary members are entitled to participate in all activities of the Club. Honorary memberships can be awarded at any time throughout the club year and expire on July 31st of each year.

Section 5. Lifetime Members
Lifetime Membership may be conferred upon any person who has been elected to this class of membership by a majority vote of the Board. Lifetime membership is only bestowed to those members who have, in the view of the Board, significantly contributed to the betterment of the Club. Annual dues for this select group of members is waived.

Section 6. Membership rights
Only Regular Members and Lifetime Members will have the right to vote or hold office in the Club.

Section 7.
Persons who express an interest in joining the Club will receive two months of notification of our meetings (via email). If they have not joined after two months, the notification will be discontinued.

Article V - Membership Procedures

Section 1. Application for Membership
Applications for membership are made in writing in the manner established and approved by the Board of Directors. Anyone who pays the Club’s dues in full shall be considered a member in good standing.

Section 2. Resignation
Any member may resign upon surrender of any club property, including monies. However, such resignation does not relieve the resigning member of the obligation to pay assessments, or other accrued charges. Any person resigning from membership will not be entitled to any refund of dues.

Section 3. Transfer of membership
Membership in the Club is not transferable or assignable.

Article VI - Dues

Section 1. Dues Amount
The annual dues amount will be recommended by the Board for approval to the members for vote at the July monthly meeting. The annual dues will be due in August.

Section 2. Payment of Dues
Membership dues are assessed and collected by the Treasurer in the manner established by the Board of Directors. Those not paying the annual dues by the end of October will be removed from the membership list. New members after August will be assessed dues on whatever portion of the year is remaining, on a prorated quarterly basis.

Article VII - Membership Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings
Regular membership meetings will be held at least once each month at the place, date and time established by the Board of Directors. Additional meetings can be held and meetings can be cancelled by the Board upon notice to all members.

Section 2. Election Meeting
In May of each year the President will appoint a nominating committee to propose a list of officers and standing committee chairpersons for the upcoming fiscal year. The committee will provide a slate of officers and standing committee chairpersons to the members at the June meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be taken at the June meeting. All nominations will be published in the minutes and sent to each member prior to the July meeting. The Club will hold annual elections during the July meeting. New Officers and standing committee chairpersons will take office during the August meeting.

Section 3. Annual Meeting
The Club will hold an annual meeting of the membership in the month of August for the purpose of transition of the Board of Directors and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before such meeting.

Section 4. Quorum
Fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of Regular Members will constitute a quorum at any membership meeting. If less than a quorum is represented at a meeting, the members entitled to vote, that are present, will have the power to postpone decisions regarding any significant changes to the standard operating procedures of the Club, such as by-laws, meeting times, upcoming events, etc.

Article VIII - Board of Directors and Officers

Section 1. Number, Tenure and Qualifications
The Board of Directors consists of elected officers and standing committee chairpersons. The officers and standing committee chairpersons are elected by vote each year to serve for a term of one year. They take office during the annual meeting held in August of each year and serve until their successors are elected. If an officer or standing committee chairperson is not able to complete his/her term of office, the president may call for a special election to fill the vacated position for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Section 2. Board of Directors Powers and Duties
It will be the duty of the Board of Directors to control and manage the property and business of the Club in a prudent and careful manner in the best interests of the Club. The board of directors may adopt rules and establish policies as may be necessary for the efficient management of the Club.

Section 3. Board of Directors Meetings
Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President either personally or by mail, electronic notification, or by telephone. Meetings can be held electronically. Special meetings may be called by the President in like manner and on like notice. Majority of the Board of Directors may call a meeting in like manner and on like notice.

Section 4. Officers
The Officers of the Club consists of the following:

  • 1. President
  • 2. Vice President
  • 3. Treasurer
  • 4. Secretary

Section 5. Duties of Officers

  • a. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club and endorses official documents issued or published by the Club. He/she presides at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors. He/she will be responsible for carrying out the by-laws and policies of the Club and Board of Directors. He/she conducts the official correspondence of the club, including notices and information to the members. He/she, along with the Vice president and other officers and committee chairpersons will work together to provide general meeting programs for the club. The president however will be the responsible officer for coordinating the programs for the General Meetings.
  • b. The Vice President in the absence or upon the resignation of the President assumes all the powers and duties of the President until the next annual election is held. He/she will appoint, as deemed appropriate to further the mission of the club, any sub-committee(s) to display member photographs and to advance the clubs participation in any Exhibitions, Shows, and/or Competitions. The Vice-President will be responsible for and determine how to best promote the club and its events. Along with the President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to provide general meeting programs for the club. In addition, the Vice President will be responsible for coordinating the meeting location(s) for all club meetings. The Vice President will also be responsible for coordinating the workshops for the club.
  • c. The Treasurer maintains correct accounts of all financial transactions. He/she is keeper of the funds and membership dues. He/she pays all bills and maintains Club bank account. He/she will maintain a record of all donations made to the Club to include the value. He/she will advise the Board of Directors and Membership when required of the club’s financial condition. Along with the President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to provide general meeting programs for the club.
  • d. The Secretary keeps a book of minutes of all monthly, annual and Board of Directors meetings. The secretary will also be responsible for sending out cards on behalf of the club (i.e. thank you cards, get well, condolences, etc.) Along with the President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to provide general meeting programs for the club.
  • e. In addition to the enumerated above, the President, Vice President and/or Treasurer will be one of the signatories on the Club’s bank account.

Section 6. The standing committees for the Club are:

  • 1. Membership Committee
  • 2. Activity Committee
  • 3. Web Master Committee
  • 4. F-64 Challenge
  • 5. Newsletter Committee

Section 7. The chairperson of each committee appoints the members of their appointed committee.

Section 8. The President and/or Board of Directors will establish the function and provide written responsibilities of each committee to include but not limited to the following:

  • 1. Membership Chairperson maintains the directory of regular, honorary and potential members. The committee will also be responsible for providing each member a name tag. Additionally, along with the President, Vice President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to help provide general meeting programs for the Club.
  • 2. Activity Chairperson arranges photo walks, photo outings and any field trips and other activities for the Club. Additionally, along with the President, Vice President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to help provide general meeting programs for the Club.
  • 3. Web Master Chairperson maintains and up-dates the club's "internet presence" including (but not limited to) the club’s website(s), Facebook Page(s) and along with any other web presence(s) or social media channels deemed to serve in the best interest of the club’s mission. Additionally, along with the President, Vice President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to help provide general meeting programs for the Club.
  • 4. F-64 Challenge Chairperson is responsible for promoting the clubs monthly photo challenge, receiving entries, tabulating results and announcing monthly winners. This includes printing monthly certificates for the winners each month. Additionally, along with the President, Vice President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to help provide general meeting programs for the Club.
  • 5. Newsletter Chairperson is responsible for managing and publishing the club newsletters. Along with the President, other officers and committee chairpersons, will work together to provide general meeting programs for the Club.

Section 9. Other duties of each committee may be established by the Board and/or membership.

Section 10. The Board of Directors may authorize, and the President may appoint, such temporary special committees as it deems necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs and activities of the Club. Temporary Special Committee Chairpersons are not voting members of the Board of Directors.

Section .

Article IX - Expenditures

Section 1. All expenditures will be approved by a two thirds majority of the Board except as stated in Section 2.

Section 2. The President may authorize up to $50 per month for Club related expenditures.

Article X - Dissolution & Distribution of Assets

In the event of dissolution of the Hampton Roads Digital Shutterbug Club, all Club property shall be disposed of in a manner determined by a majority vote of the current membership. The proceeds shall be deposited in the Club’s bank account. After all financial obligation are satisfied, the balance in the bank account shall be donated to a local charity or non-profit organization selected by a simple majority vote of current members.

Member's unclaimed photos, mats and frames and or any other photographically related material on display or loan and in possession of the Club may be disposed of in the following manner. Thirty days' notice will be given to members using their last known email address. Notice of disposal and/or distribution will also be published in our newsletter and/or on our web site. After thirty days notification, any property that remains unclaimed will be salvaged and/or disposed of accordingly. Frames, glass, mats and matting materials will be salvaged. All photos will be destroyed to protect any individual potential copyright issues.

Article XI - Repeal, Alteration or Amendment

Repeal, alteration or amendment to these By-laws may be made at any time by two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present at stated meeting.

Update effective: July 19, 2017

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