Click a month below to view entries and awards from past challenges.
"Transportation (straight out of the camera - no edits allowed)"
"Pick a color (image predominantly one color)"
"Wabi Sabi (looking for beauty in things that are not new and shiny)"
"Bird(s) in Flight"
"Water Drops"
"Interpret a Country Song"
"Macro/Close-Up Insect"
"High Key"
"Tree (or part of a tree)"
"Image of an iconic location in Coastal Virginia - A Good Representation of Coastal VA"
"Composite Image (double exposure or layered)"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Intentional Camera Movement"
"Geometry in Architecture"
"Taken in the Rain"
"Photographers Choice (no time limit)"
"Illustrate a Season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)"
"People/Person (not portrait or posed)"
"Abstract Close Up / Macro"
"Good Enough to Eat / Looks Delicious"
"Best Photo Within 1/2 Mile of Your Home"
"Bokeh (the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in out of focus parts of the image)"
"Sunrise / Sunset"
"Negative Space"
"Black & White (NO TIME LIMIT on when photo was taken)"
"Someone at Work"
"Portrait (keep it anonymous - nobody we know)"
"Flat Lay Still Life"
"Toy (straight out of the camera – no editing)"
"Night Photography"
"Single Color (monochromatic but not B&W)"
"Long Exposure Landscape"
"Movement / Motion"
"Something Involving Water"
"Musical Instrument"
"Doorway / Entrance"
"Show Scale"
"Leading Lines"
"Tools or Utensils"
"Textures or Patterns"
"Related to Food / Something Edible"
"Black and White"
"Birds, Insects or Critters Around Your House"
"Using Shadows"
"Photographer's Choice (no time limit)"
"Spring Flowers"
"At Home - Inside or Outside But on Your Property"
"Emotion (create an image with an emotional impact)"
"Alphabet Soup – something that resembles a letter of the alphabet"
"Candlelight (subject matter lit only by candlelight)"
"Church Architecture"
"Pathway (your image must contain a pathway)"
"Strictly Skies/Clouds (nothing else in shot)"
"Farmer's Market"
"Long Exposure - Day or Night"
"Photographer's Choice - no time limit"
"Juxtaposition / Things That Don't Belong Together"
"Worms Eye view"
"Wild Kingdom / Animal Planet" - no time restriction
"Cell phone image of something miniature" - taken within the month of challenge
"Interpret an Elvis song"
"Negative Space / Minimalist image"
"Forms in Nature"
"Architecture in Tidewater (defined as far as Richmond): Recognizable, Historical, or Noteworthy"
"At the Beach: Sand and/or Recreation"
"Flower: Perfection or Transition"
"Birds, Butterflies, and Bees - Oh My"
"Friendly Faces- People or Pets"
"Sculpture / Monument / Headstone"
"Travel: Sense of Place" - Not Hampton Roads - No Time Limit
"Color With One Dominant Color"
"Interpret a Beatle Song" - Song Title Included
"Wildlife" - Not Captive
"Macro/Close Up of an Insect"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Architecture / Architecture Detail"
"Macro of Flower / Shell / Sea Life"
"Black & White/High Contrast"
"Cityscape / Street Scene/ On the Road / Automobile of Interest / Wheeled Transportation"
"Water Drops / Rain / Dew/ Ice / Fountains / Sea Spray / Sprinklers / Silky Water / Underwater"
"Weather / After the Rain / Cloudscape"
Winners are correct names but are we sure these are correct pictures? Interpretation of a Famous Quote
"Portraits: Anonymous, Faces, Groups, and/or Moods"
Winners are correct name but which pictures? "Night/Long Exposure"
"Pets / Animals / Wildlife / Feathers"
"Photographer's Choice" - No Processing
"Landscapes / Seascapes"
"Piers and Bridges"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Still Life"
"Macro/Close Up"
"Photographer's Choice" - No Time Limit
"Dawn or Dusk" - No Digital Revisions
"In the Garden"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Fall Colors"
"Photographer's Choice"
"The Human Element"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Close-up or Macro"
"Photographer's Choice"
"Harborfest / Special Events"
"Black and White"
"Water Features"
"Hint of Color"
"Contre-jour, backlighting"