f/64 Challenge - Submit Photo
Submit Your Entries To: coastalvaphotoclub.f64@gmail.com
JPEG Images submitted into the Challenge should be sized at 1440 pixels on their longest side at 150 dpi. If you are not certain how to properly size your image, submit a large image file and upon receipt, we will resize it for you. (Instructions to resize/rename your photo)
Rename your image with your first and last name ONLY- no other title. Also tell the coordinator which category you will enter, "Experienced" or "Aspirational". You will stay in that category for the duration of the year so you can accumulate points for awards.
Images submitted will be acknowledged individually upon receipt. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours of submission please contact Sue Mangan immediately. Also check to see that your image is in the lineup at the beginning of the month when they are posted. Usually they are posted on the first day of the month. Every attempt will be made to include a missing image into the Challenge during the grace period just after the deadline. Voting will end on the 10th day of the month.
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